about the sagalla hills marathon

marathon runners


Sagalla Hills Marathon is a run for Tourism, Health and Education.

founding patron
  • Solomon Chula Nzano Ngwatu

Solomon, who came up with the idea of a Marathon, would reach out to Diaspora University Town founders and Ndara B Community. Several articles were published in Jamhuri Magazine.

founding organizing committee
  • Joshua MWadeghu
  • Naomi Masawi
  • Edson Murimi

Three young Kenyans would hold the first meeting to explore the possibility of the Marathon. They would come to the conclusion that the marathon can be achieved if about 100 Ndara B Community members run and Diaspora University Trust can allocate a budget.

founding sponsors
  • Ndara B Community
  • Diaspora University Trust

Ndara B Community through over 400 members and other runners founded their Sagalla Hills Marathon on 12th December 2022.

marathon runners

the event

The 42-Km Marathon is scheduled for 12th December, 2024; this will be on a public holiday. The Marathon will kick-off at 0900hrs EAT in Gimba village along Gimba-Kajire Road.
There will be numerous field activities at Gimba Primary Football field; jumps, tug of war, netball, volleyball, color splash, artistic work like drawing and general entertainment.
Eateries will be available for all with a variety of dishes, drinks and snacks. The unique finger-leaking dishes of the Swahili will form part of the wide range of menu.

flagging off

The inaugural Sagalla Hills Marathon 2022 was officialy flagged off by the County Government of Taita Taveta.

The organizing committee is seeking to have the Sagalla Hills Marathon 2023 edition flagged off by a veteran professional runner with a world record.

our crew

At the event, everyone is hands-on; we all overlap with duties, but somehow know which jobs need to be done. A real team effort.

  • Board of Directors

    Board of Directors

  • the executive organizers

    the executive organizers

  • the ambulance crew

    the ambulance crew

  • time keeping

    time keeping

  • the transport & logistics crew

    the transport & logistics crew

  • the communication crew

    the communication crew

  • the first aid crew

    the first aid crew

  • hospitality


  • media


our partners


Diaspora University Town

Equity Bank

Equity Bank

Equity Bank Kenya

Taita Taveta County Government


Taita Taveta County Government

Kenya Medical Training College


Kenya Medical Training College

The Kenya Red Cross

Kenya Red Cross

The Kenya Red cross Society

Kenya Forest Service


Kenya Forest Service

Kenya Wildlife Service


Kenya Wildlife Service

Kenya Police Service

Kenya Police

Kenya Police Service